Facebook Messenger w PrestaShop - nie wyświetla się VEKIA - Friday, 31 March 2017 0 Edit Mam problem z modułem chatu messener facebook . Nie wyświetla możliwości chatu tak jak na załączonym printscreenie. Sklep jest w kilku języ...
Kody rabatowez za komentarze o produktach w PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit korzystam z modułu do wysyłki kuponów za komentarze o produktach . Mam pytania związane z działaniem modułu. 1. Linki w emeilach do komen...
Close adult warning popup permanently in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Hello, can I configure the popup module so that customers who have once confirmed that they are over 18 will not keep seeing the pop up ...
Questions about voucher codes addons for PrestaShop VEKIA - Thursday, 30 March 2017 0 Edit Hello, I wanted information about the modules: - Prestashop Voucher code after registration - Prestashop Vouchers Generator I wanted to...
Create extra product tab with unique contents in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Hi again Milos, i just bought the module but i wonder if there is something like tutorial for this.I want 3 tabs for every product page ...
Internal server error 500 w module bloków kategorii w PrestaShop VEKIA - Monday, 27 March 2017 0 Edit Witam, Podczas wypełniania pola kategorii "Kategoria główna (początkowa) bloku" w module "Bloki kategorii (multiple categor...
Remove ean13 number from products' urls in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit I am intresting in this module: Prestashop Pretty / Clean URLs PRO I have a question, this product clearing de id and the other add in the...
Question about checkout workflow in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Hi there mate, I just bought your FBpixle module and realise that your shop with PrestaShop modules has something I want for my shop: A...
Display quantity discounts on category pages in PrestaShop VEKIA - Saturday, 25 March 2017 0 Edit Hi, I am interested by the module Quantity discounts one products lists , however I have some questions: I work of the sliding scale tarif...
Wysyłka kodu rabatowego za zakupy w sklepie prestashop - maksymalna kwota zakupów? VEKIA - Tuesday, 21 March 2017 0 Edit Witam, Posiadam moduł wysyłki kodów za zamóienie, zauważyłem, że jest opcja warunkowania minimalnej kwoty koszyka do wykorzystania rabatu...
Add to cart button in combinations table module on product page in PrestaShop VEKIA - Saturday, 18 March 2017 0 Edit Im interested to order the module to display list of all product's combinations in a table . I checked the demo and i've got a quest...
Visibility rules in PrestShop related products addon VEKIA - Friday, 17 March 2017 0 Edit I am interested to purchase the module Prestashop Related Products Pro My main problem is that I have about 5500 products and I can not e...