Problem with "cms products" module installation in PrestaShop VEKIA - Friday, 29 September 2017 1 Edit I have a problem installing the 'products on cms page' module . I can upload it, but when I click on the green 'install' bu...
what is the best structure for seo without have problems on future? VEKIA - Thursday, 28 September 2017 0 Edit the best urls schemas in PrestaShop are: Route to product: {category:/}{rewrite}.html optionally {category:/}{rewrite} Route to categ...
How to show quantity discount module on product page in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Good afternoon, I bought the module " Products list quantity discount " and I have a problem. In the page of the product does not...
Category tree disapears from left block in PrestaShop - how i can solve it? VEKIA - Monday, 25 September 2017 0 Edit Hi, Which module i need to purchase from you to have ability to fix category block on the left? Right now, if we go deeper to categories,...
Produkty kompatybilne do sprzedawanego produktu w PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Chcemy w swoim sklepie wyświetlać produkty kompatybilne. Przykładowo jeśli otworzę kartę produktu pod spodem wyświetlają mi się produkt...
Przyjazny link do strony produktu bez nazwy kategorii w PrestaShop VEKIA - Friday, 22 September 2017 0 Edit Czy Pana moduł Prestashop Pretty / Clean URLs PRO będzie działać poprawnie po usunięciu nazwy kategorii z URL'a strony produktu? ...
Two types of welcome voucher for PrestaShop VEKIA - Thursday, 21 September 2017 0 Edit I have latest Prestashop and upgrade with your latest module, but I get an error (see attached image). I try to reinstall, but no ...
Facebook login nie loguje klientów do sklepu PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Skonfigurowałem moduł facebook login który kupiony został w sklepie mam pewien problem - otóż moduł nie działa. Po kliknięci...
What will happen if i eill replace related products free with 'pro' version in PrestaShop 1.6 ? VEKIA - Wednesday, 20 September 2017 0 Edit At the moment we use related products free . What happens, if i install the pro-version? We have huindreds of articles and all are linked w...
i want to change schema of url for product and categories in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Hi I have a question regarding " Pretty Clean Urls " module that creates super friendly urls in shop. Currently the category url ...
Cash on delivery with fee for selected countries in PrestaShop VEKIA - Tuesday, 19 September 2017 0 Edit I need to enable cash on delivery with fee module for selected countries only. How i can achieve it? Enabling payment method for selec...
Hide custom contents on mobile device in PrestaShop VEKIA - 1 Edit Hi Vekia, I just spent some time playing arround with a PS template called Shoply. It is a Warehouse derivate. This has a nice way to infl...