Rabaty ilościowe tylko dla wybranych grup klientów VEKIA - Friday, 28 September 2018 0 Edit Piszę w sprawie modułu: Prestashop Quantity discounts on products lists. Chciałbym się zapytać czy dane ustawione progi cenowe można ust...
How to translate emails in PrestaShop? VEKIA - Thursday, 27 September 2018 0 Edit PrestaShop to send emails to customers / merchant uses a special files called "email template" files. These files are located in t...
How to translate a module in PrestaShop? VEKIA - 0 Edit PrestaShop allows to easily define translation of module or change existing translation. Whole process is very easy in use (as well as tool...
Kupon za zamówienie powyżej 100zł VEKIA - Wednesday, 26 September 2018 0 Edit Witam serdecznie. Proszę o informację w kwestii modułu Prestashop Kod rabatowy za zamówienie Dostałem miej więcej takie wytyczne od Klienta...
Bankwire payment module with discount - italian translation VEKIA - Monday, 24 September 2018 0 Edit Hello, Is this "Prestashop Bankwire with discount" compatible with prestashop, with Italian langauge? i want apply a fl...
Import settings of related products pro to other shop VEKIA - Friday, 21 September 2018 0 Edit Hello, I bought Related products pro PS1.7 and works great! Is there any way to export from my Related products pro PS1.6 the rules and imp...
Related product don't show on list of products VEKIA - Thursday, 20 September 2018 0 Edit Hi, I have a site in prestashop In the admin panel I added a related product in the product sheet. I would like the related produc...
Copy products from one shop to another VEKIA - 0 Edit Please help me with this problem. I have to copy some products from one shop to another. Of course I can copy one by one, via copy paste but...
Send to a friend missing module in PrestaShop 1.7 VEKIA - 0 Edit I need a module thats work like the module 'Send to my Friend'. My presta is 1.7 and on this version this module doesn´t there. this...
Show volume discounts on featured products with module VEKIA - Monday, 17 September 2018 0 Edit Hi Milos I bought the ” Products list quantity discount “ - module and it is great. But it is not showing on the productpage on the f...
Show all images of products even if combination is selected VEKIA - Friday, 14 September 2018 5 Edit Hi, I've bought the Combinations Tab Pro module and I have a question about product images. I have a product with 2 combinations. The p...
Age verification for selected categories in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Hello Vekia, I would like to create a PopUp that alerts visitors when they see a particular category and/or the products associated with ...
Exclude discounts defined in groups from specific prices VEKIA - Thursday, 13 September 2018 0 Edit Hi, I'm not sure wich module is ok for me. I have customer group discounts, and for some products I need to make a fixed(discounted or n...
Log in as customer and customer portofilio modules can work together? VEKIA - Wednesday, 12 September 2018 0 Edit Hello, I would like to buy module "Login as Customer" but on my version of Prestashop (1.7.3) i have installated another module n...
Eksportowanie produktów do google merchant center w PrestaShop VEKIA - Tuesday, 11 September 2018 0 Edit Witam, mam pytanie odnośnie "E xport catalog for facebook pixel dynamic ads " czy dzięki temu modułowi mogę także zrobić eksport d...