Control the way of how prestashop products look like on facebook timeline VEKIA - Wednesday, 9 January 2019 0 Edit Would like to ask, currently if i share the product on the Facebook, then the product image not showing well.. Any module could help on this...
Extra Tabs Pro in "animals & Pets" template in PrestaShop VEKIA - Tuesday, 8 January 2019 0 Edit Hello, we have recently purchased the Animals & Pets template ( ) and we are interested ...
Discount for next order with value equal to selected product value VEKIA - 0 Edit Hello, I have a question regarding Voucher codes after orders plugin . I am interested in getting this, overall I think it does what I am i...
Pay by call in PrestaShop - phone payment module - email delivery questions VEKIA - 0 Edit Hi, concerning the "Pay By Phone Pro" module . 1 / in the folder paybyphone> mails> , I put a folder "fr". How to...