Hi. I was looking for the following. I have for example product X and product X has for example 100 parts. Is it possible to create a tab and have a list of those 100 parts inside the tab ? I have seen this in some other website and there should be a way to do it in prestashop. I have already a module that came with my theme that creates tabs but all i can put inside is HTML, images, videos or text. Thanks.Hello
The main question i have is about the "parts". What exactly you need (instead html, images, videos and text) to build such list of "parts" ?
Simply saying: What these parts exactly are? These parts are products that also are available in your store? Maybe something different?
Hi milos
Thanks for your reply.
I am sending you in attachment image from a website to explain what i need ( look at the tab parts ).
This tab is to display products that are in the shop and are for example a replacement part for the main item on that current product page.
I just need to make either a list kind of view or grid inside the tab.
This tab would have to be associated with this specific product and not to show on all products.
My theme on the backoffice already is able to create a tab for that specific product and make the product list, but the list is placed on the end of the product description tab, if there was a way to just send the product list hook to inside the tab would be great.
Hello Alex
so, if you want to create a tab that will display - let's name it as 'corresponding' products - in my opinion the best choice will be a "related products" module.
With this module you can create a "tab" and associate it (show it) on selected products (there are various visibility conditions). Tab can cointain exactly defined list of products - so in your case it can show 'corresponding' products.
This module will show contents inside a created "tab", not in "description" as you show on your example link.
best regards,
so, if you want to create a tab that will display - let's name it as 'corresponding' products - in my opinion the best choice will be a "related products" module.
With this module you can create a "tab" and associate it (show it) on selected products (there are various visibility conditions). Tab can cointain exactly defined list of products - so in your case it can show 'corresponding' products.
This module will show contents inside a created "tab", not in "description" as you show on your example link.
best regards,
Hi Milos,Thanks for your email.
I was looking into your module related products and that will show in the end of my product listing and i want to be able to put it on top where you can see Description, product details, attachments, reviews.
That is where i want to put the tab and this tab must be renamed to display in English and other languages.
Best Regards,
welcome after weekend
I was looking into your module related products and that will show in the end of my product listing and i want to be able to put it on top where you can see Description, product details, attachments, reviews.That is where i want to put the tab and this tab must be renamed to display in English and other languages.
Related products i linked has features to display products in various places, like:
- product's footer - at the bottom of product page as a block
- product's footer - at the bottom of product page as a tabs (module's internal 'tabs' feature)
- product's page left column
- product's page right column
- product's page popup
- product's page default tab section
- cart page, during checkout
exmaple from prestashop 1.6:
- https://mypresta.eu/content/uploads/2015/02/related-products-pro-product-as-tab-6.png
as i mentioned this is screenshot from prestashop 1.6, but in prestashop 1.7 it can be used in default tabs section too.
this is exactly what you pointed on your screenshot previously attached :)
best regards,
I was trying the back office and front office and I selected tab but it was not showing where I wanted on your front office.So in 1.7 it will show exactly where I need from what I have understood from your reply.I have three questions more.My shop runs two languages, the tab name can be named for both languages without issues?About the content, can I retain theme style product listing inside the tab ?I am also having some issues with the prestashop module related items that shows products in the same category in the footer of the product. I believe I can replace their module with yours.When in the page of the product and showing products of the same category, does your module eliminates the current product that we are viewing from being displayed ?Let me know.Best Regards,
i recorded video where I show how i configured it to make it work as you wish
regarding to your questions:
Yes, it allows to set the name of the tab. You can set the "name" for all languages that are avaialble in the shopMy shop runs two languages, the tab name can be named for both languages without issues?
Module is created to support theme file and style, to build list of products. So i confirm - this means that it uses the layout from theme.About the content, can I retain theme style product listing inside the tab ?
In addition, module has feature to customize the design directly from back office: https://i.imgur.com/ScO29cU.png
I am also having some issues with the prestashop module related items that shows products in the same category in the footer of the product. I believe I can replace their module with yours.When in the page of the product and showing products of the same category, does your module eliminates the current product that we are viewing from being displayed ?
related products pro allows to display "list of related products" in various positions. There is an option to display list of products in "product footer" section. This means that you can replace you current module with "related products pro" from our offer. If you want to disable default module, you just need to uninstall default addon: https://i.imgur.com/XD0ycib.png
best regards,

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