Hello, I try to find module for two problems. Problem one Maximum quantity of product per one order for example - 5 of Product A. Second problem I have package product and other product. When customer want to by something he need to order 1 package product and then other products. Without package product is not possible to make order. Max product or min product quantity help me with this ? thanks

cart conditions pro - is a module that allows to set several cart conditons related to cart value, products in cart, products quantities, associations between products etc. I think that this is what you are looking for:
- you can set maximum / minimum quantity of selected product in cart
- you can set association between products (if someone will add to cart "product A" then it is required to purchase "package product B" etc. - this is for package case you mentioned)
if cart will not meet defined conditions it will be net possible to go through checkout and module will inform customer what's wrong (what condition blocked a checkout like here: https://mypresta.eu/content/uploads/2017/04/cart-conditions-for-prestashop-17.png )
module is available here:
if there is anything else that i can help with just let me know
best regards
ReplyDeleteI need a module to do the following.
Every customer to add not over 5 products for a specific brand.
Can you do that with ( module limit number of products per one order)?
Thanks a lot