Maximum quantity of product for "guest checkout" VEKIA - Tuesday, 29 June 2021 0 Edit Hello Milosz, I've ordered the module Maximum product quantity . It works for orders with a customer account. But when people order as...
Infinitescroll module and product list attributes compability VEKIA - Saturday, 26 June 2021 0 Edit Problem with the table of attributes of the list of products with infinite scroll page 2 page 3 the pop up does not open can it be fixed ...
Import products from a prestashop to other prestashop VEKIA - Thursday, 24 June 2021 0 Edit I wonder if this module: works for import products from a pres...
Cumulative discount - display current discount for customer VEKIA - Tuesday, 22 June 2021 0 Edit Hello, we have your module Cumulative discount . We would like to change this text in displayProductAdditionalInfo.tpl fro pruduct view {l...
Price range module in PrestaShop does not hide default product price VEKIA - Friday, 11 June 2021 0 Edit Hi. the fuction "Hide when there is no price ranges = Hide price that module displays" of the module " Product price range -...
Transformer theme in PrestaShop and Price range module VEKIA - Wednesday, 9 June 2021 0 Edit Good morning. I use Prestashop and Sunnytoo's Theme Transformer v4 and I wanted to know if your module " Product price ra...
Update zalando inventory - prestashop FCI integration VEKIA - 0 Edit STEP 1. API ACCESS DETAILS CONFIGURATION Go to module configuration page Setup the API key and Client ID. Copy paste here access details car...
Expresscache i moduł shortcodes w prestashop VEKIA - Tuesday, 8 June 2021 0 Edit Hej, Modul shortcodes nie jest kompatybilny z modulem expresscache od Express Tech. Przy aktywnym module expresscache nie dziala. Dzień do...